“As a new hire, Bradley might be evaluating new products and services for their team.” “Kylie's recent promotion may have increased their decision-making power” We’ve been banging on about how targeting newly hired people can win you new business for years (33 years and counting). And now LinkedIn is endorsing this approach by highlighting the newly appointed on their profiles. But crucially LinkedIn offers just one narrow route to contact these new hires. Whereas Electric Marketing offers you email addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses, websites and company size data on curated lists of
Electric Marketing Blog
Electric Marketing's blog keeps you up to date with what's new in email marketing, current best practice in direct marketing and eMarketing, developments in the law surrounding email marketing plus details of new mailing lists and offers from Electric Marketing.
Tue, 11/06/2024
Email Marketing Lists Of Corporate Sports Sponsors It's hard to ignore the international sporting events in Europe this summer. UEFA's Euro 2024 Football Championship kicks off in Germany, and the biggest of them all, the Olympic Games comes to France in July. Although sponsoring the Olympics requires budgets that only the multi-nationals can muster; there are different levels of sponsorship so that the host country's major companies can benefit from worldwide exposure. At the top of the budgetary tree there are 'worldwide Olympic partners': the truly global megabrands who tend to sponsor the
Mon, 29/01/2024
With over 5,000 mailing lists to choose from on the Electric Marketing website, finding the exact data that you are looking for can take time. Here are a few hacks on finding your way around. First up is start with the search box. On the home page, it is right in the centre of a yellow box under Search For Email Lists. The search box is also on every page in the top right corner. Look for ‘Enter A Search Term’. Search for a job title or industry sector and as soon as you hit Enter, new search boxes offering more specific options will appear under the heading Refine Your Search. Second key
Tue, 26/09/2023
Making Changes To Our Lists of Lists. With 32 years in the lists and data business behind us, we know that businesses must adapt to address market demand. And so we are making some key changes to our list product range, focusing our list and data research on our core job titles: Marketing Directors, Marketing Managers, Chief Marketing OfficersHuman Resources Directors, HR Managers, People ManagersLearning & Development, People Development and Training Managers We will continue to build and expand our databases of these core job titles. But this new focus means that from October we will no
Mon, 27/03/2023
We’ve got a new CEO at Electric Marketing. He’s called Joseph Kingsway and he lives in Manassas, Virginia, 3,687 miles from our office in London. We’ve never met him, we’re not paying him and he has zero responsibilities at Electric Marketing. But he is on LinkedIn and whether by design or accident, he has associated himself with Electric Marketing in London, claiming to be our CEO. Which means that mailing list companies which use scraping software to gather their data from the internet have scraped his name from LinkedIn and their AI software has matched it to our company name and address
Wed, 12/10/2022
Time To Sweep The Leavers Off Your Marketing Email Database? In an ideal world, when every manager changes job, before they head off to their leaving drinks, they switch on their out-of-office email for the last time. Maybe compose a bright and breezy email response of 'I have left for pastures new. Your new contact is the wonderful Joe Bloggs'. Maybe go for a slightly more embittered approach. Something beginning ‘Unfortunately I have left . . . Unfortunately for email marketers, that does not always happen; it is possible to send out emails for years to contacts who are no longer in post
Tue, 21/06/2022
We all want a better response rate; higher open rates, more click throughs, more enquiries, more orders. There is no single magic bullet but all of the tips in this blog will nudge your response rate upwards. Personalise, Personalise, PersonaliseYour own name always jumps out of the screen at you Split your email marketing list into two; the emails which have a contact name and the emails which do not (those Info@ and hello@ type emails). You can use the contact names to personalise your emails. You can keep it simple by just using the name in the salutation eg Hi Robert. Or you can use the
Thu, 26/05/2022
How Has GDPR Really Changed B2B Email Marketing? GDPR has been with us for four years this month. Back in May 2018 we saw widespread confusion about GDPR along with predictions for the end of email marketing, career-ending fines and so much paperwork that it made email marketing unworkable. But to be fair to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the UK government, business-to-business marketing was given some clear opt outs of the most draconian aspects of GDPR. But these concessions did get lost in all the noise about the radical changes to marketing to consumers. Since May 2018 the
Thu, 12/05/2022
A well-written marketing email can make the difference between a campaign that flies or dies. Response rates are driven up by engaging copy, good ideas and a smart headline. But when business people receive so many emails and filter out anything that looks remotely spammy at a single glance, how can your marketing email avoid the deleted items box before it has been properly read? Here are some common mistakes landing in my inbox. Hi Friend - Personalise, Personalise, Personalise. It is worth taking the time to personalise your email. If your marketing email list data is incomplete and you
Tue, 29/03/2022
But Don't Want To Buy The Same List That You Bought Last Year? If you are looking to improve the strike rate of your email marketing but don't want to go down the route of buying a whole new data set, Electric Marketing has options for you. Our mailing lists updating services mean that you will not pay full price for marketing data that you already have on your system. We have three main routes to updating your lists; you can go down one, two or all three routes, depending on how thoroughly you wish to clean your lists. Option One: The easiest and most popular route. You can have more of the