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Find New Clients Using Accurate Email Marketing Lists From Electric Marketing

Win new business with mailing lists and email lists of HR directors, marketing directors, IT managers, finance directors or chief executives.

Lists of IT Directors & IT Managers In Dynamic Companies

Target Your Campaign To IT Managers In Companies With Ambitious Plans

Select Lists By Corporate Culture

If you're looking to target companies which are focused on expansion and growth, these mailing lists are a smart choice. Of course no company seeks incremental growth, but the companies on these mailing lists have signalled their ambition to grow.

The companies quoted on AIM and the London Stock Exchange have raised significant capital and they have an imperative need to grow to satisfy their investors and the market.

The companies which are listed as the fastest-growing have increased their turnover by more than 10% last year. Their plans for expansion are already in motion.

Consider targeting these companies if your company culture is compatible with an expansionist corporate mindset.