Mailing list of digital managers and eBusiness managers in the top 350 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. These plc companies used to be referred to as blue chip companies. They are the largest companies in terms of market capitalisation (market cap is share price multiplied by number of shares issued).
Digital & eBusiness managers in the top 350 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange - 232 postal addresses, phone numbers & email addresses
Related Mailing Lists
Listed below are some similar mailing lists, with email addresses, that may be relevant to your search.
With all Electric Marketing mailing lists you can be sure that:
- All mailing lists include a direct personal email address for each contact - no sales@ or hello@ type emails
- All mailing lists can be delivered to you within 4 business hours
- All mailing lists are regularly updated and are fully compliant with GDPR
- All lists come with contact name, job title, company name, email address, phone number and website details. Company turnover and number of employees data are included for large UK companies.