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Find New Clients Using Accurate Email Marketing Lists From Electric Marketing

Win new business with mailing lists and email lists of HR directors, marketing directors, IT managers, finance directors or chief executives.

Should I Buy An Email List? | When Buying an Email List is the Right Thing For Your Company

Thu, 22/05/2014

It is not hard to find a business which has had a bad experience of buying an email list. And there are plenty of bloggers who preach building your own email list organically by getting people to sign up on your website. This is good eMarketing practice but building a sizeable list of clients, prospects and interested parties can take years.

If you aren't sure whether buying an email list is right for your company, ask yourself if your business fits into any of these categories.

Your business is a new start up with a handful of happy customers and you want to find more customers. Quickly.

Your business is an established business which has surplus stock or unexpected spare capacity to take on new work.

Your business is looking at expanding into new markets eg a conference company runs events on HR issues is moving sideways into conferences on health & safety. The company sells places at the new conference to its existing client base of HR managers and wants to tell health & safety managers about the conference too. The company buys list of email addresses of health and safety managers.

Your business has ambitious growth targets and wants to expand. Companies which use email marketing lists include Google, IBM, HP, Oracle, Dell, Fujitsu.

Email lists and mailing lists are essential for businesses which want to attract new customers. For a small business or a start up, email marketing is the cheapest way to tell more people about your business.

You need not buy a million email addresses and overload yourself and your email server. Email marketing, like direct marketing* can be done in small, manageable chunks. A good email list provider will not insist that you buy the entire list at once. You can start out with a campaign to 500 or 1,000 email addresses. Take it steady while you learn what sort of emails work for your business and your marketplace.

If you have not bought email lists before, read our handy guide to the basics of sourcing an email list from a reliable company and avoiding the email list cowboys.



*for younger readers, direct marketing was widely practised in the last century and involved marketing using leaflets, envelopes and postage stamps.